Well well well.. So so sorry that i havent touched this site for a long LONG time.. i guess ive been very busy lately.. Although not with the things you might think.. If the picture above isnt obvious weeelll.. Lemme just say that its been a wild and fun ride being with Pelangi but.. i guess sometimes we just have to move on.. Some of you might be asking "why are you leaving?" so to those that know me personally.. The answer will come in May.. which would be next month hehe..
I know its kind of late and delayed to say this but i gotta thank all of you guys.. yup all of d DJs in Pelangi who have accompanied me along the way.. I might treat you guys nanti if ada masa.. Coz i feel a bit bad not having a proper goodbye with Pelangi.. probably someplace not too expensive coz there's so many of you hahaha :p
To everyone Ive met along the way its been great knowing all of you.. Fun times fun times..
And no im not leaving the country or dying hahaha.. I guess im at a point in my life when i gotta move on.. And so i left when i did coz at the time i resigned it was very busy at Pelangi and chaotic so it was the perfect moment for me to fade away.. coz everyone was busy with everything else..
By the way im gotta update this blogsite still so please dont go anywhere yes? hehe
1 comment:
yawww brooo... huhu... sedih plg ku mbaca ehhh... curious ke ehh napa nda lg di pelangi ahh... smpai ani nda ku dpt jawapannya hahaha... misteri sungguh... hahaha... btw kan lanja kami??? lalalala... i tink kan broo, pendapat ku laa... utk save bajet n hv fun... buat di rumah laaa... bbq ka apa ka... mcm siuk kan??? p make sure aku nda duty... awas!!! hahahaha... akan ku usahakan supaya majlis tu nda menjadi if tym ku kaja... ngehehe... p atu pendapati jeee... lalalala... btw i feel gud... walau pun kadangnya nda... tau2 laa kaja di pelangi atu haha... well3... hw r u???
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