Oh man... i've been busy lately with all my work.. n im supposed to grab the rest of the pictures from someone later in the morning.. hopefully i'll wake up early later hehe.. If anyone is wondering about what im blabbing on about welll... cant tell anyone what im working on or what it looks like but hopefully i'll be done soon.. it's got something to do with a thingie and doodad... hmmm wonder what that is hehehe..

Ah yes.. this is where all d magic happens.. my dear old laptop.. I do need a new laptop for all my heavt duty work but d money isnt there.. anyone want to donate? hmmm? hmmm? i guess not hehe.. I had a more expensive mouse (approximately $130+) but its not working anymore.. what a waste.. n my ipod is already at its retirement age already hehe.. i'll be accepting donations for new equipment soon.. *hint* ;)

And this is my lovely pet chicken Jangols.. very handsome n obedient this fella hehe... but dont let his good-boy looks fool you.. He's actually one hell of a playboy.. Apparently he has several girlfriends (wives?) that follow him.. ah you handsome devil you.. you'll give even Daniel Craig a run for his money hahaha~~
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