Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! This is the time when some of you guys get together with your family to have a nice meal.. probably a big juicy turkey... mmmmm i looove turkeys... So here's a turkey for all of you to digest..
hahahahahahahah... i know its lame but i couldnt help it.. :p

Monday, November 24, 2008

P2F Night @ RTB

Big surprise for this recent P2F.. No one's going home! I mean eliminated that is hehe.. lucky for all the contestants.. Btw it's getting more crowded by the week eh.. You guys really love to watch it yea? hehe..

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

David Cook's New Album!

Yes!~ I just got the new NEW David Cook album.. Nuff'' said.. ;)

btw is it just me or does his picture look like David Blaine.. hmmm... *imitates David Blaine* Please hold up your card up to the camera..

Monday, November 17, 2008

Razi @ Pulau Selirong

Sorry for the late late update.. Its been another wonderfully packed week.. And look, I even got the chance to go to Pulau Selirong yipee~ for those who dont know where it is it's somewhere in Temburong.. Such a wonderful place to go visit.. yup.. this is where to go if you need some peace and quiet.. and if you need to be far far away from civilization.. and yes there is no technology on this island.. so phones are useless here.. no pizza deliveries i guess haha.. btw it takes around 40mins to get to this island from Kianggeh..

Monday, November 10, 2008

Insane portraits to end all portraits..

I wonder at what point in time did they say "You know what, why dont we try using your beautiful self-portrait as your album cover" and did they seriously look at it and think it was a great idea...
Ah yes of course.. what would this post be without Michael Bolton.. dont get me wrong, i absolutely love his songs but i wouldnt be too proud if this was on my table and someone saw it..

Thank god its by request only..

The album title should have read "HEINOUS" instead..


HAHH~ I just got the new Archuleta debut album just a few minutes ago! I'll be listening to it over the next few hours to see if it's any good.. If only there was David Cook's debut album to compare it to...

P.S. Dammit he looks more buff than me.. what the hell is going on.. guess I gotta eat them protein packs aye.. *grumble*

*blank stare*

ummm... I have no idea what to say... a bit blank right now but i dont wanna abstain from posting something.. or some might think i disappeared from the face of the earth.. so... well... hmmm... wearing shorts at home is much more comfortable? Hey dont look at me like that, im just trying to start a conversation hehe..

Friday, November 7, 2008

Worst album covers.. the "Birah" edition

Oh good god.. these are insanely weird covers.. I hope none of the local artists or bands ever, EVER make these type of album covers... If any of you do im gonna come over to your house and SLAP YOU right there and then..

Thursday, November 6, 2008

President-Elect Barack Obama!!

Yeeehaaaa!~~ I've been celebrating for the past few days on the wonderful news.. Thank god you won Obama.. Hopefully now you can guide America and the world to a brighter future full of hope and promise.. The whole world will be watching you.. :'') To McCain, well.. maybe in 4 years time eh? Its the time for the Democrats to have a shot at it



Tuesday, November 4, 2008

US Election Watch

Check out the latest updates on the US election race on my Twitter Feed:

US Election Watch on CNN

Yes yes yes yes.. ive been waiting for this for the whole year.. now we'll finally get to know who's gonna win.. who are you rooting for? Me? who else but Obama.. He's bringing a new way of thinking and interacting with the world.. At the moment Obama is performing better than Kerry did in 2004 while McCain is underperforming compared to W. Bush Previously.. that's a good sign yes yes... *fingers crossed*

Monday, November 3, 2008

Graphic design.. the one thing that i love doing so much.. what would i ever do without it.. coz strangely i suck at drawing.. i dont know why hehe..

Below is the Pelangi Rentak Volume 3 that im currently designing.. yup yup its 100% my design and artwork.. But of course the pictures of the artists are from Jen Studio.. thanks Jerome.. will give you a lil sneak peek soon hehe..
No no no.. im not gonna give you the full artwork.. that's gotta be a secret for now.. just me, my laptop and the crew at Pelangi.. I guess your gonna have to wait to see the finished product.. ;)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Woohoo! Ah yes!

Yes yes! just got my new 3G line today.. so now i can go online anywhere anytime.. sooo.. with that dont forget to check out my Twitter page.. It's basically a mini blogging website where i can update 24-7 anytime anywhere.. So just click on the link and read my lil thoughts and stuff i do during the day.. you know you want to.. ;)