Monday, December 15, 2008

oh deary me..


MUST FIGHT.. BEING... SICK... everyone around me is sick or getting sick.. Im starting to feel the first signs.. sooooo im doing all i can to fight it.. FIGHT IT~~ haha.. guess im gonna have to pop some pills to stop from getting sick..

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Typos we can all laugh at..

When you think brain-fart and stupidity the newspaper is the last thing that comes to mind.. but then again stupid can come from anywhere..

Thursday, December 11, 2008

PART 1: Behind the scenes @ Rentak 914 Volume 3 Launching

It's a pic extravaganza!! It took a long time to update and sort out the pics but here they are finally hehe.. Yes, the design for the cd all done by me.. 1 month plus worth of work for the whole booklet and all.. but worth it every step of the way.. ;)

The day started out earlyyyy in the morning.. arrived at the mall at ard 7plus but Diddy, Iril n Ashraff were there already.. earlybirds haha~ :p

There's something to be said about seeing your design plastered on the stage (and it's gigantic!!).. Made me feel all giddy... mmmm....

De Epitome doing the signing..Aaannd then soundchecking their stuff...

It's Hikari 8! (Ashraff not included hehe..)
A Band Once!

Lookit all the wonderful hardworking people~ haha.. *thumbs up*
More pics of the Afternoon's actual event next time.. stay tuned.. ;)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Yea.. I hate it when that happens.. such a bummer.. Something tells me this isnt the happiest song in the world..